“I had a lot of company. Like my momma always said, you have to put the past behind you before you can move on.” – Forrest Gump.
In this photo, the love of my life stood with me in the rain when I started out in Portland, Maine and waited nearly 6 months for me to come home to her. The last nearly 3 weeks I have been away from her again.
Today 3 things will happen. The first was my promise to the one person that reached out when I had no other option than to stop and go home in Wilmington, North Carolina on the second journey of trying to run three sides of the U.S. But, he gave me the option and offered me a bicycle to not stop. I rode that bike, not being even close to a cyclist another 3,100 miles after the first 1,000 miles on foot. When I ultimately stopped in Texas because of my knee, I promised him I would ride that bike to his front door of Triathlon Lab. Today I will deliver on that promise.
The second is that I will reach the point where I finished my transcontinental solo run across the country in Santa Monica. It will be a surreal moment because I will have reached both the start and finish of my run (DC and now Santa Monica) going the long way to get there.