Active Base Visit

Active Base Visit

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“Another day complete (48 miles; longest day on the bike so far). Going to put a map update up tomorrow to show progress so far, but have some incredible and exciting news.

Lt Col Michael Moyles has invited me to Joint Base Charleston for a tour and possibly meet some of the best of the best including: soldiers who have fought in Iraq and Afghanistan, have earned the Purple Heart, Bronze Star, and

even some of our finest Wounded Warriors who have served, fought and still have come home to us. Plus, possibly seeing a C17… to say the least, tomorrow will be amazing, humbling and an honor to visit one of the largest bases in the country on my journey of crossing the United States for charities including the Wounded Warrior Project.

I will take some photos and videos where allowed and because it is a very active base, just to see these great men and women in any situation will make this day a moment I can take with me for each mile I continue.”
